The reason why you have to be nice to jews, or they will give it to you.
Oh Shit son that greedy-ass jew just gave me the sheeny curse!
932👍 344👎
A curse brought forth by a Jewish man that renders you with financial troubles for anywhere between 1-3 years. (Depending on the severity of the Sheeniness in the Jewish suspect.)
Damn, I was talking about that Jew's girlfriend. Then, he put the sheeni curse on me and i just lost my wallet.
53👍 8👎
the curse a jew will put on you and therefore give you a bad financial year. Usually done by taking off their skullcaps and unleashing the curse within.
Britney Spears. Went from high flying pop princess to a mess. The Jews tally another victim with the sheeny curse.
504👍 243👎
the curse set upon the jews by god after they killed jesus.
solomon was given the sheeny curse when he had his circumcision.
376👍 374👎
This is what little Blonde Haired,Blue eyed Jews put on you when you call him a Jew
I called Andy a Jew and he put the Sheeny Curse on me.
77👍 222👎
The Sheeny curse has many negative symptoms. The sheeny curse symptoms are as followed. Money loss, halitosis, intense greed, burns on the skin, and you become untalented at sports.
Darn, I pissed off a Jew and I received the Sheeny Curse. Now I am un-athletic. The sheeny curse symptoms are not fun.
100👍 34👎