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1)The center of Love and Beauty.
2)An Upright tree.
3)A name of a famous red wine that originated from Shiraz, the city in Iran, and is made of special grapes.

Shiraz is a city of poets and flowers

Shiraz is a red wine now processed in California

by Sophie98 October 19, 2008

248πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


A city in South-Western Iran. Probably the only major city in the country anywhere near the ruins of cities from the old empire, such as Persepolis and Firouzabad. People are generally nice and laid back. Known for its wine (which the population itself ironically isn't legally allowed to drink thanks to the psychotic government) and art scene.

That new art student in town is from Shiraz, she's got me so beat when it comes to miniatures and portraits.

by whoopsy87 September 14, 2008

161πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


It’s a girl name she is probably the cutest. She has the cutest smile with braces that fit her soo well and her personality is 10/10 the sweetest most pure heart girl but gets a little bit angry fast but she is still cute but you better not make her angry and loveee you Shiraz(shirosaa)❀️❀️

:Did you see Shiraz she looks sooo pretty today.imagine dating her😩❀️

by Unknown.T November 25, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Shiraz is an outstanding and hard-working person. Usually bullies you if you are close to him. Sometimes, actually most of the time, he will exploit you for your resources. He is smart like that....Normally, Shiraz reads a lot and listens to tons of music. What people admire most about a Shiraz is that when they are passionate about something they work so hard to reach their goals. Overall great friend, lovable and so adorable. LASTLY, he is king status to the max!!!!!

I want to marry Shiraz.
Shiraz is so talented.
Shiraz, be my guinie boy??

by i love the doughhhhhhh XD December 12, 2020

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


a person who trolls forums and blogs planting right wing Republican disinformation

Man, that Shiraz is everywhere clogging the blogs

by R. Herring November 8, 2006

86πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


A Yahoo Answers Legend, a net diety. An expert in conservative politics. He strikes fear in the souless hearts of liberals and other anti American despots.

That Shiraz sure knows how to push the libtards buttons and embarrass them.

by Treu American October 24, 2010

64πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


When two human male foreskins wrap around each other and the two male penile heads are bumping.

A wrapped up dick.

My boyfriend and I were shirazing hard.

My gay friend had a great time shirazing the other night.

Dude, don't be such a Shiraz!

by three__inches February 6, 2010

98πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž