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shit stirrer

Trouble-maker. One who adds fire to oil during peace time to create trouble.

Everything was fine until she came and started those rumours. Such a shit stirrer.

by NellyOdell March 20, 2013

111πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

shit stirrer

one who manipulates events to cause trouble for other people for their own amusement

she told me my missus was baggin off on me, but I reckon she's just a skanky shit stirrer, so I didnt bother doing anything about it.

by My May 12, 2003

415πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

shit stirrer

Someone who spreads rumours and manipulates people for no apparent reason at all.

Daniel! You're such a shit stirrer! Stop spreading rumours.

by dlips12 March 30, 2012

63πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

shit stirrer

a person who takes pleasure in causing drama and stirring the pot

*Callum unnecessarily stirs the pot*
everyone: OMG Callum is such a shit stirrer!!!

by user82747829 June 11, 2020

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

shit stirrer

This is a support worker,(i use the term loosely), who causes no end of trouble by running to the management (like the wee girl in class who is always snitching to the teacher). Usually this 'thing' is called Lesley no pals. She has frizzy, greasy hair and what teeth she has left are like a row of condemned houses. This Lesley is another example of the 'OSFL' fan club.

"Holy fuck Lesley, take your tongue out of Odd's arse". Lesley replied, "it's ok, that's my job, i'm a shit stirrer"
Whats that smell, surely everyone can smell it? Oh no here comes the shit stirrer.
Oh no what's that deafening, monotone noise coming down the corridor, oh it's just the shit stirrer, quick run and hide. Remember always shut your mouth when she's here.

by victim of the OSFL February 28, 2008

30πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

shit stirrer

.see homo, poo pusher, ChadKroeger

"i am a man and my boyfriend is such a shit stirrer, yeah he stirs my shit inside my arse with his little pinny knob oh baby wank me off"

by Colon Power May 23, 2004

32πŸ‘ 199πŸ‘Ž

Shit stirrer

a person who tries to make situations in which people disagree even worse.

What a shit stirrer! She’s gone and told my trouble and strife that I was with another chick at the party.

by quan cao tien August 26, 2010

221πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž