If I have to live for my kids then EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE TO LIVE FOR MY KIDS!
Dr. Jeepjorp "You can't do a short term hedonistic gratification because children!"
Hym "That's his entire bit. You can't do what you want because if he had to sacrifice is desires for his children... You should have to also do that for his children. His piece of shit retard of a wife's decision to fuck him give him dominion over past, present, and future now. We all have to do what this guy wants now or his kid isn't going to do what he wants later. Oooooor... I mean, it's a problem entirely generated by this guy having kids... So...."
"Short term" so "What happens WITHIN your lifespan (rather than outside of it)" Hedonistic which means "Your own desire forged by your own will or pleasure seeking" and Gratification means "Satisfaction of desire or pleasure seeking. It's a semanticly redundant phrase that Jordan likes to get paid to spout that literally translates to "Now pleasure pleasure"
Dr. JeepJorp "You're obsessed with your own short-term hedonistic gratification! If you weren't so evil and psychopathic you would be more concerned with my kids getting the things THEY desire during THEIR lifespans! THEIR short term hedonistic gratification! If I had to do it then EVERYONE should have to do it! I mean, not for their own kids because they might not ever have them but for MY kids! They have a responsibility TO ME to do that think I said!"
Hym "No. I don't. You're trying to harvest my organs."
JeepJorp "You, um, owe it to YOURSELF! Yes, um, yeah I invoke your own self interest as the reasom you need to be harvested by me for my kids!"
Hym "I thought I wasn't owed anything. The only thing I'm owed in life is the choice between consenting to the harvesting of my organs and not doing that?"
JeepJorp "Yeah, um... It's Jesus! Jesus is, um, he said a thing though... Right? Like, he said stuff and... He loved having his organs harvested! He forgave us for... You know... Not knowing stuff, right?"