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say you buy something and the clerk gives you change back but not enough you've been short-changed.. cheated in otherwords
watch for it on the east coast.

well I could give you the gist in a couple sentances but I'd be short-changing you on the storytelling

by rteng August 9, 2007

11👍 3👎

short changed

1. To be extremely close to accomplishing something only to have it unexpectedly taken away at the last minute.

2. To mis-judge distance or position resulting in injury to yourself or another person

1. I just got "short changed" by that quick traffic light

2. I just "short changed" myself by shifting in my chair wrong and injuring my "private area"

by cabbagehead February 8, 2008

21👍 3👎

Short change hero

Someone who is outcasted/ostracized by society and is generally viewed as a bad/unethical person but they always try to be the hero in bad situations or events out of compassion and honor.

"You're the type of Short change hero this department needs Jackson!"

by Wolf chaser March 16, 2019

36👍 2👎