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Noun, but mostly used as an adjective.

1. Someone who is riding in the front passenger side of a vehicle.

2. See scrub.

3. Someone who is always riding in the front passenger side of a vehicle.

4. Someone who was too stupid to pass their driving test and is always stuck riding in the front passenger side of a vehicle because they can't get their license.

5. A loser riding in the front passenger side of a vehicle who is trying to cop an attitude.

Some lame-ass shotgunner was tryin' to holla at me.

When pulling over a driver for acting like an idiot, you start yelling at the driver, and then:

Shotgunner: "You wanna piece of me?"

You: "Look who's tryin' to be a bad ass. You're just a shotgunner moochin' off other people cuz you're too stupid to drive your own car."

by Toropop August 19, 2008

7👍 5👎


The people who use a shotgun in call of duty. They usually use shotguns because they can't get a kill with a normal weapon. Most people rage when they get killed by a shotgunner even other shotgunners. They almost never aim down the site because a shotgun will spray out a lot of pellets and kill people who aren't in the line of fire.

The shotgunners killed everyone on my team without even having to aim down the site.

by Grandpa Shark June 16, 2013

6👍 6👎


When a man sticks one testicle in the anus and one testicle in the vagina. Or in the case of homosexuality, when a man sticks a single testicle in another mans anus.

Im gunna shotgunn the shit outta you!

by Layne Ellis August 23, 2008

1👍 6👎


When a mansticks one of his testicals in a womans vagina and one in her anus. Or in the case of homosexuality, when a man sticks one of his testicals in another mans anus.

Dood, i totally shotgunned my girlfriend last night!

by laynej3 September 10, 2008


The best tower to ever exists in the popular Roblox game Tower Defense Simulator.

The best tower in TDS is shotgunner obviously

by Walter Heartwell White April 16, 2023


A soldier or person with a shotgun

The shotgunner shot a grenade out the air

by CommanderChase July 8, 2019