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When you glue toe/finger nail clippings to the tip of one's penis to make it resemble a shovel. After this is done, proceed to anal sex with your partner and attempt to "shovel" out nuggets of poop.

Christine has been saving a lot of money on toilet paper even since Robby starting shoveling her.

My prostate exam felt like I was getting shoveled.

by Terry Taint May 9, 2012

187πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


to purposely try and have sex with women that are so ugly their face looks like it was beat with a shovel. This is done usually because shovels are easier than normal girls and have better bodies than fat girls.

john : "hey dude that girl you got with last night was straight wounded!"

paul : "every day im shoveling!"

by Shovel King July 27, 2011

57πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


To spoon hardcore

"so me and Ace were shoveling so hard last night"

by RiaKitti April 4, 2013

8πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A girl who takes the semen left on her belly and places it inside her vagina with the intent to become impregnated

Mike: Dude I heard you got Sheila pregnant
Dale: I busted on her belly though
Mike: She must be a shoveler
Dale: Damn, you're right...I'm gonna be a dad

by Shovelove July 1, 2015

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


to beat into submission with a common, gardening shovel

Dude, I didn't know it was your sister
Get off my lawn before I shovelate you
He means it! He's got a shovel!

by Rand December 28, 2004


It means man HO

Omg Dalton is such a man ho

Chelsea you mean shovel

by Hey it’s me Chicken Nugget October 20, 2018

45πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


a verb to be shoveled,to shovel

damn girl, you need to get shoveled!

by kali, motha bitch August 2, 2008