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Sig Figs

Significant Figures, a concentrated method of torture for forgetful chemistry students. Sig Figs are usually encountered alongside the expression "Fuckin' Sig Figs." Also known as Sig Fags.

Student 1: "Hey man. How'd you do on the test?"

Student 2: "I got a 68. Fuckin' Sig Figs."

by Arthquel January 16, 2009

64πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Sig Figs

Significant figures. Abbreviation often used in Chemistry class when measuring, adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing measurements.

Mr. Chudy: Watch your Sig Figs!

by Potatusman October 22, 2010

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Sig Fig

a person whose personality fades when they become attached to their significant other's Figure. They begin to like only what their signficant other likes, even if they used to like it before, and even in some cases, including their friends and family. In essence, they change themselves to match their new lover's personality better, much to the dismay of their friends and family. Person has no problems ditching their friends and family for whatever their new lover wants to do.

She becomes a total Sig Fig whenever she gets a new boyfriend and never talks to her friends.

by Ophelia Stratford March 19, 2011

25πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Sig Fig

A name for someone that you’re in along term relationship with

β€œAre they dating??”
β€œYeah she’s her sig fig”

by Simwer94 August 10, 2019

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


(noun): short for chemistry term significant figures, sig-figs is when a guy rounds up his height to make it sound better

β€œi’m 5’10 which is basically 6’0 cuz sig-figs,”

by lexiconartist0 March 1, 2025