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To act like a sket. Doing sketish things involves having a new man every night, sucking rod on a hourly basis and getting her rat out at any opportunity. If you want a good example of sketish behaviour watch the film KiDULTHOOD and watch out for Becki

Yo blood, look at what dat girl doing dat some sketish behaviour

by D to the N December 7, 2006

22👍 4👎


Basically its where a girl is a bit of a sket but not quite there yet.

Person 1: That guy looks huge if you know what i mean. person 2: You're a bit sketish to be honest.

by Mike um... October 24, 2019


a word used to describe someone or something stupid, dumb or irritating.

“ sorry my wifi connection is moving sketish🙄”

by ImAboredguy_ December 29, 2020