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Noun (slang), much-loved genre of film in which heroic vigilantes bring errant citizens (primarily teenagers) to justice with sharp implements (primarily knives).

Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Prom Night are all slashers.

by Slasher Sam January 5, 2017

23πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


someone who writes slash (male/male pairings in fanfiction).
or more to the point, someone who ENJOYS writing slash.

that girl is a mad slasher.

by rejected but i like it that way November 29, 2005

114πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


a Slasher is a millennial term that refers to a person of any age that adopts a frame of mind that revolves around personal success, personal fulfillment, and financial gains. They are limitless and don’t like settling for one job or career path. They pursue their life’s biggest passions and make money doing so. Most slashers are either active or dormant entrepreneurs that understand the importance of maximizing their time by filling their lives with experiences that bring them a great deal of satisfaction and joy. Slashers come from all walks of life, and are also referred to as β€œhustlers”/ β€œwork-a-holics”. Although it is not a requirement for slashers to be work-a-holics , they are prone to work endlessly in pursuit of accomplishing their goals because of their thirst and hunger for success &/or personal fulfillment. Like the name suggests they go through life slashing their way through their dreams and goals.

Steph is a student, and also a home health aid who recently opened her new online business, what a slasher!

by Steph/Slasher March 11, 2019

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Some Guy that is 38 years of age and coverages eSports and Quake 4 like a robot on such sites like ESR and Gotfrag.

Slasher is basically what would happen if you made a robot listen to hard rock death metal or w/e and told him to report on eSports.

by WhoKnows22 August 2, 2006

55πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


One who loves/likes slash.

Oh, yeah, I met another slasher today! he ships draco/harry too! yay!

see the word "slash"

by Amber(me), Junior, Andrew, Alex, Terry, and my bf October 12, 2003

81πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


The Energy Sword in Halo 2 used to kill others.

"You Slashed me with your Slasher!"

by Alvaro Vega July 27, 2006

16πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


The word "slasher" is used to describe a fatass asian Gorilla-like Bitch. A person with this name dates people online because they cant get someone in real life. (Be warned They might ask you to meet in real life, But that is ok, if you like getting raped.)

He slashered you, you just got shashered,

by Blaugia November 9, 2007

8πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž