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A particularly wet, or sloppy, vagina. Frequently indicative of a vagina that has seen much ill use.

I am sure that woman of ill repute has quite a slophole.

by The Surly Fat Man November 13, 2005

36👍 6👎


a vagina, preferabble one that is wet

I want to slip my wee willy in your slophole.

by sLOpmAStEr GeE! November 9, 2005

20👍 9👎


A regularly used anus, reminiscent of the sand pit monster from Star Wars VI. Usually aggravated and covered in lubrication and potentially manjuice.

"My god Dorothy, your slophole is gaping, that must have taken several well endowed germans!"

by Supermerio February 7, 2007

5👍 14👎


when you have a dirty butt-hole and when u crap it sprays every were.

i have a big wet slophole

by tan boy November 5, 2010

6👍 7👎

Vengeful Slophole

A well-trodden, sloppy and particularly menacing vagina.

I say, Dawn, I was expecting Sarah's clunge to be a tarty snapper but to my horror it turned out to be a vengeful slophole. Lucky to have made it out in one piece.

by Vote for Raoul March 24, 2019