A slutaliar tries to downplay their sexual escapades in order to not appear like such a ho.
Also another term, A slutaliar lies about everything someone who lies so much they are also known as a pathological liar.
Can also be shortened slutaliar, when you want to say someone is such a liar
Someone who lies about banging chicks he hasn't and is a slutaliar
A Slutaliar manipulates women with sympathy in order to go out with him
I'm sick of him, he's a slutaliar. He is such a liar he lies about what he had for breakfast.
Yo I like this girl but I think she is a slutaliar, I found her on plenty of fish and seeking arrangement and yet she says she's into me only.
Don't be a slutaliar everyone knows your such a liar anyways your making it worse by continuing to make shit up
DJ is a slutaliar, he makes shit up about his life to get women to feel sorry for him.