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1.) adj. Intentionally kept hidden for a mischievous or devious purpose.

2.) n. A lie by way of omission.

Derivative forms: snecretive (adj.); snecretly (adv.); snecrecy (n.); etc.

Jenn snecretly placed saran wrap over all the toiled bowls.

Janet kept her infidelity snecret by saying she was going to "a friend's" house.

by lugnutwrench March 23, 2008

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To sneakily tell someone a secret.

Cindy was going to tell Paula a snecret, but it was very obvious to the people around them.

by Elouphant September 1, 2014


A sneaky secret

That boy kept a snecret from me

by It's ya boi999 December 26, 2019