Source Code

Sockin' it

Sockin it occurs when you are out in the woods and there is no toilet paper to wipe causing you to have to use your sock.

Dude, we were up in the mountains and we ran out of toilet paper so we were sockin' it all weekend.

by driftking3000 July 9, 2009

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When you masterbaite and don't want to get your cum anywhere, you put a sock on when you have a boner and masterbaite.

Guy 1: Man, I masterbaited twice while my parents left.
Guy 2: With a sock?
Guy 1: Hell yea!
Guy 2: Ugh, you do too much sockinating.

by Sockinator113 April 14, 2010

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brown sockin' it

the point at which diarrhea is unholdable and you rip a mudslide down your pants and on or into your sock(s)turning it/them brown.

"I love mexican food!"
"Yeah, me too. but I always end up brown sockin' it afterwards."

by Mitch Trimble October 5, 2007

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One sockin' it

The situation resulting from using a sock when no toilet paper is available.

Dear Mom,

Went to Tijuana and ate shitty tacos. Tried to drive back to Barstow in one sitting. I'm now one sockin' it. Please send more socks.


by Trry96 September 19, 2014

Cock Sockin'

Masturbation with a sock.

Hey man, did you see Naughty Nurses 2? I got some good cock sockin' in last night.

by loldongs34 August 14, 2009

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High Sockin'

The act of wearing your pants no longer than mid calf in order to display your high socks.

Friend 1: "Get a load of that bruvner over there!"
Friend 2: "Oi, mate, he sure is high sockin' today!"

by Craigs_Username September 28, 2018

sockin paint

spraying paint into a sock so u can inhale the fumes and get high

bobby i was so bored i went home and started sockin paint

by h@ppy m@n August 20, 2009

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