Soul Nerve disease: Is the literal translation from Mandarin Chinese to English . Has been commonly used by 2nd to 3rd generation Chinese Americans born in the states. In the Mandarin Chinese language, it is primarily used when describing a person who has severe mental instabilities like insane or crazy pronounced shun- But in America when translated its used for people whom have personality disorders that are generally untreatable. Example would be calling someone who is a malignant narcissist someone who is suffering from a severe case of soul nerve disease.
Submitted by LuvH8Luv
When asking my friend, who has been in a toxic relationship , how everything was going. He said, that he finally realized he had to leave his girlfriend before he gets totally drained by her soul nerve diseased manipulative ways. Which was a relief for me and all other friends to hear. Cause that girl was a jezebel spirit if there ever was one.