The act of exploring deep web page links, usually irresistable.
Typically starts out as a link sent by a friend or relative ("hey look at this!"), then an interesting link catches your eye. A couple hours later, you've traversed the bowels of cracked, holytaco, thechive, reddit but not digg because nobody goes there anymore, and a dozen other news and link aggregator sites. More often than not, this will happen at work.
Sorry, boss. Didn't mean to waste four hours on that spelink today instead of doing your TPS report.
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The act of clicking many links to web sites external to the one you're actively on in succession within one uninterrupted browsing section.
Typically one who is spelinking will find him/herself at sites with tangential or no topical relevance to the original site.
I was spelinking for a half hour. I started out at and I ended up on youtube watching cat videos.