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Spiritualicism, also Spiriticism, is a philosophy and ideology that advocates the massive search and research for spiritual beings and spiritual existence, this may includes massive investments on Techno-Agnosticism, Techno-Theism, Techno-Spiritualism, Scientific Deism, Extraphysicism, Divinialism and the adoption of policies for massive spiritualization of the masses and transition to a spiritualist society. Spiritualicism also advocates science should try its best to study about spiritual and extraphysical issues with all their efforts, such as they search for extraterrestrials, and it even advocates that xenos probably exist at spiritual level, making the search for spiritual issues more necessary and practical, even advocating colonization of spiritual worlds and turning all human beings into materialized spiritual beings as happens on extraphysicism and divinialism. Spiritualicism also opposes scientific atheism, neo-atheism, materialism, skepticism and nihilism.

"Spiritualicism is usually non-quadrant and usually has no political leanings, it is more about the technological idea of the search for spiritual beings and life, spiritualicism might be left leaning sometimes due to the ideas of Bioequalism and Extraterrestrialism. Spiritualicism is considered as the spiritual version of Galacticism."

by Full Monteirism January 28, 2021


Spiritualicism is a scientific spiritualist ideology that advocates massive research and technological development on spirituality and spiritual related themes, it believes on the same scientific and epistemological concepts of Evidence-Based Spirituality in order to do the research for spirituality and spiritual things and it also supports the development of spiritual technologies that would enable access into spiritual worlds and spiritual levels of existence, also advocating the development of post-physical and post-spacetime technologies for accomplish so. Spiritualicism also advocates the development of a spiritual post-spacetime society and the evolution of humanity into a spiritual post-spacetime civilization and species as well. Spiritualicism also supports the evolution of humanity into a civilization of highly evolved beings by superating physics and the spacetime and also supports turning humanity into a civilization of spiritual beings by superating physics and the spacetime and becoming full extraphysical. Spiritualicism is also considered as a spiritual and extraphysical version of galacticism, since spiritualicism also supports the exploration of the beyond spacetime and of the spiritual world such as the settlement and even colonization of the beyond spacetime and of the spiritual world and other dimensions as well.

"Spiritualicism supports that the spacetime and the laws of physics, biology, chemistry and nature do not let humanity to evolve spiritually and so they should be abolished and humanity should evolve into a spiritual post-spacetime civilization by using technology and evidence-based spirituality research as well."

by Full Monteirism June 6, 2021


Spiritualicism is a scientific spiritualist ideology that advocates massive research and technological development on spirituality and spiritual related themes, it believes on the same scientific and epistemological concepts of Evidence-Based Spirituality in order to do the research for spirituality and spiritual things and it also supports the development of spiritual technologies that would enable access into spiritual worlds and spiritual levels of existence, also advocating the development of post-physical and post-spacetime technologies for accomplish so. Spiritualicism also advocates the development of a spiritual post-spacetime society and the evolution of humanity into a spiritual post-spacetime civilization and species as well. Spiritualicism also supports the evolution of humanity into a civilization of highly evolved beings by superating physics and the spacetime and also supports turning humanity into a civilization of spiritual beings by superating physics and the spacetime and becoming full extraphysical. Spiritualicism is also considered as a spiritual and extraphysical version of galacticism, since spiritualicism also advocates the exploration of the beyond spacetime and of the spiritual world such as the settlement and even colonization of the beyond spacetime and of the spiritual world and other dimensions as well.

"Spiritualicism supports that the spacetime and the laws of physics, biology, chemistry and nature do not let humanity to evolve spiritually and so they should be abolished and humanity should evolve into a spiritual post-spacetime civilization by using technology and evidence-based spirituality research as well."

by Full Monteirism June 4, 2021


Anarcho-Spiritualicism is an anarchist ideology that supports the development of spiritualicism in order to reach an anarchist society formed by spiritual communes that would exist beyond spacetime and on the spiritual world.

"Anarcho-Spiritualicism is a nice way to achieve anarchism and make humanity become full anarchist, but it would be necessary to take sometime until spiritualicism is full development in order to anarcho-spiritualicism be achieved."

by Full Monteirism June 4, 2021

National Spiritualicism

National Spiritualicism a nationalist ideology that supports the development of spiritualicism in order to reach an nationalist society formed by spiritual states and countries that would exist beyond spacetime and on the spiritual world. National Spiritualicism also seeks on the transition of physical countries into post-physical and post-spacetime countries by using of spiritualicist technologies.

"National Spiritualicism is well supported by spiritual nationalists and by people who want to expand their countries for beyond the spacetime."

by Full Monteirism June 5, 2021