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A city with a population of approximately 205,000, almost 300,000 if you add the Valley, Conservative in politics, citizens will constantly boast about how they're better than Seattle and how, "The Coast" sucks, even though Seattleites hardly acknowledge Spokane's existence and going to Seattle is a big deal for most people in Spokane as it's a 4 and a half hour drive.

Hot 95-100 degree weather in the Summer, and -5 to 10 degree weather in the winter.

We get Some awesome concerts here every now and than.

Sub-Par public education, two community colleges, 2 universities (4 if you include the EWU and WSU Riverpoint campuses) and a whole shit-load of High schools.

Known for Drugs, Wannabe Gangstas, Carjacking Russians, a decent downtown park, some pretty good malls, cheap housing, and close proximity to "Outdoor Activities"

And honestly none of our neighborhoods are really that bad, Hilyard, West Central, East Spokane/Lower South Hill may be run down shitholes but your chances of being mugged are pretty slim.

Nicknames include: Spokompton, Spoklahoma, Spokanistan, Spokansas, Spokandyland, Sposcow, Spokemphetamine, Spokangeles, and Spok-a-loo.

In all Spokane is an Ok place to live, I'm sure as hell not staying here though.

Spokanite: Man Fuck Seattle! it's all about the 509!!

Seattleite: Spokane? isn't that in Idaho?

Russian#1: Hey Olav did you see that 95' Civic roll by down on Sprague?

Russian#2: Vladimir at the local chop shop's gonna like that

by 360lympia4Life October 14, 2011

124๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


Midsize city of about 250,000 in Washington State. Very much like every other midsize city in America; people complain about there being nothing to do when there actually is stuff.

We have Bloomsday and Hoopfest. And had the U.S. Figure Skating Championships a couple of times. Some cool bands come through every once in a while. It's fun to walk around downtown and hang out in Riverfront Park, watch the falls, stop into Boo Radley's, stroll through River Park Square. there are quite a few nice parks around the city.

There's a meth problem, but it isn't as bad as people think. In nearly every city with meth, people call it the "meth capitol of the U.S.!!!" Politics are somewhat conservative, but not extremely so by any means; the city is actually somewhat liberal. Our mayor is currently a Democrat and people are supportive.

Overall, your typical American midsize city with its own quirks. Marmots!

Spokane's pretty cool.

by audienceofone January 31, 2010

161๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž


AKA Spok-vegas Spokangeles, Spokompton, the 'kan.

Long the second largest city in Washington state, Spokane had recently dropped to third (to Tacoma) in terms of population, but as of March '05 it is number two again. It's sad to fight to be #2.

The chief attraction of Spokane is Riverfront Park, a 100 acre park centered around the Spokane River in the downtown area, and designed by the Olmsted Brothers.

Spokane is the home of Bloomsday, the world's largest road race. Cyan, creators of Myst originated in Spokane. Notable Spokanites include Bing Crosby, John Stockton, George Lynch, Craig T. Nelson, David Eddings, and Gabe and Tycho of Penny-Arcade.

Spokane has been called the meth capital of America. A medium sized city, it suffers from urban sprawl and a small-town attitude. It's hard to find a decent job in Spokane, but it's a cheap place to live and it's great if you like outdoor activities, as there are several lakes and mountains in the region.

Spokane: a nice place to visit.

by Helluin November 4, 2005

255๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž


A land-locked area of Washington, nothing to do other than smoke weed with all the wiggers. Boring, bad climate hell infested with methheads, wiggers, yuppies, richies, wannabes and shitty deathmetal teenage bands. Has a gypsy curse on it. Everyone seems to absolutely love it here for some reason. Oooh, hoopfest, big deal.

Spokane lover: "Sp0kan3 is the best!1111!! We have hoopfest and gonzaga and a lot of weed. 509 represent!"

Me: Shut the fuck up. Spokane sucks huge cock

by 509 sucks March 2, 2011

119๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


Second largest city in Washington, behind Seattle. Like all middle children, it harbors a resentment of the eldest while simultaneously trying to be exactly like it and failing miserably. As such, Spokane tries to present itself as a more quaint, provincial version of Seattle, except that it has no culture and only five or six minorities on a good day.

Spokane is a good place to go if you would like to be shot by the police. The incompetent boobs who run the department specialize in firing upon minors, beating retarded janitors to death and ticketing old men with canes for jaywalking. But that's only because they are incredibly efficient at their jobs and have virtually shut down all crime in the city.

Wait, what? No, Spokane is also the meth capital of the world, and the police department's attempts at reversing this trend add up to...let's see...eight hundred divided by seven times six to the third, carry the one...EPIC FAIL.

Good jobs are impossible to find, here. There are "good outdoor activities" nearby, but all that really does is attract rich white kids to camp their asses on the South Hill and drink shitty canned beer while waiting for the next "good powder, man."

In short, Spokane is a nest of greasy rats breeding in a big, ugly valley with a serious air pollution problem. I hope it explodes.

Young Person: Pardon me, officer, but could you direct me to the railway station?


Meth Dealer No.1: Is the coast clear to transfer this massive amount of crystal methamphetamine to a storage facility in broad daylight?

Meth Dealer No.2: Oh, yes, quite. The police are ticketing jaywalkers again today.

Meth Dealer No.3: I love Spokane.

by Antisthenes September 11, 2008

208๐Ÿ‘ 161๐Ÿ‘Ž


The home of Meth and Underage Sodomy.

i walk downtown and people ask me if i want to buy meth..

by J March 29, 2004

226๐Ÿ‘ 197๐Ÿ‘Ž


A decent sized city in Eastern Washington that has fun events every once in a while, such as Bloomsday and Hoopfest. The general population is quite liberal and the people keep to themselves. Every now and then they will have fun stuff going on downtown, typically during holidays. It's best to visit Spokane only for these events, not to explore the area. People generally leave with negative views of Spokane after experiencing the masses of aggressive, mentally ill and homeless people wandering the area.

A homeless woman was sleeping next to my car when I returned to the Parkade after shopping at the mall. Spokane is pretty weird.

by Liam29 August 15, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž