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Dragging. (Used in the coal regions of Pennsylvania. Originally a type of brake on a carriage axle.)

"If ya wanna go faster, quit spragging your feet!" "Look at 'dat tailpipe spraggin' under 'dat Chevy."

by lifefeedsonlife November 8, 2013


The same as gossiping but specifically about a friend. Spragging is gossiping about your friend.

Have you heard about Jackie, yeah my friend, she had sex last night”, “why are your spragging? That’s just mean”

by PLOP2k16 December 15, 2017


Sprag: To "sprag" on someone means to tell someone of higher authority that they did something bad. For example, in school, you tell your teacher that Matt threw that paper aeroplane in her cup 'o' coffee, or tell your boss that Matt threw the blueprints the mansion he was building in a fire.

Matt: *Rolls up a paper ball, then puts it in his blowdart* See how you like this... *he blows the mini paper ball directly in the teachers eye*
Mr.Teacher: WHO DID THAT??!!!
Slime: Uhh sir, it was that child over there. *Points towards Matt*
Matt: *while walking past Slime* Slime you sprag!

by Matt_the_slime_slayer June 21, 2016

29👍 2👎


An aggravating and naive butthead

"That sprag just knocked down my girl tent!"

by Ura Sprag November 30, 2009

63👍 20👎


verb: East Yorks, England

To report someone to the authority for a michievous or forbidden act.

"Where's Jim?"
"He's in hiding from Sir cos John spragged he set off the fire alarm."

by conciliation March 26, 2009

46👍 21👎


n. the grossest thing ever.

adj. exuding grossness in all things; disgusting;

You smell like shit sprags!

Ew. You're so sprags!

by sprags von sprags August 22, 2008

26👍 13👎


Shot-gun-like bowel discharge

That sprag I just had really hurt my butt

by BowlingforShrimp November 24, 2005

28👍 38👎