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shoes with wheels, much cooler than roller blades.

damn son! look at him! he's riding dirrrty on squeels

by jukester April 28, 2006

16👍 6👎

pig squeel

it's a way to scream.

i do pig squeel in this band dude!

by Steiff September 5, 2007

15👍 15👎

Vagina squeel

When a women's vagina queefs and it makes a loud squeeking noise.

Dude i met this one chick at this party and all the sudden her vagina squeeled.

by vinny101 August 31, 2011

6👍 6👎


When roadhog jumps out and grabs you

I'm going to make you squeel

by Bastion Boi69 February 4, 2019


heavy breathing. nuff said.

omg girlfriend he had me squeeling.

by ferftteqtgfqweagf March 2, 2016

Squeeling Jackal

When and old lady engages with a dog under the table.

"So my nan was in the garage and the dog came in so they used to pneumatic drill to do the squeeling jackal"

by Hawtsauce12321 September 21, 2008