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steak is a bald funny streamer on YouTube that is literally looks like a rip off baldi.
his fans always find new ways to call him an egg
he looks like baldi but he doesnt have the ahoge above on his head and his lips are less thick and his head is shaped more human like than sphere like

the reason steak got the title of “egg” is cuz when Kreekcraft shaved his head, people called him egg,
and then steak made a stream saying “if Kreekcraft comments i shave my head
and of course Kreekcraft commented
and since he shaved his been called egg ever since

ive been a fan of steak since he used the detective music and zoomed on sus moments, so i count as an og

did u see steak69’s and packgods diss on bella the wolf?

by I like penguinssss August 27, 2024