Usually the truth about a certain culture, ethnicity, or genre of human life. But we use words like "Stereotypes" to cover up the truth so it can be "Politically Correct"
D1:Dude, why are all emo kids always dressed in black and calim to hate life?(Sarcastic)
D2:I know right?(non-Sarcastic)
D1:What a stereotype.
D2: Oh you were being sarcastic? I was being serious, because all emo kids DO hate life and dress in black...
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A statement about a group of people, that is true 90% of the time, but when said in front of the other 10% or a Liberal will get you labeled as an ignorant prick.
"Of course Hakeem won the high jump, he's black."
"That is such a stereotype!"
"That it is, but it's true."
"Ignorant prick!"
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A truthful statement that is painful to hear and difficult to absorb.
I hate stereotypes about my people.
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n. a small kernel of truth that lies at the bottom of a pillowcase full of shit.
Drew Peacock- " Hey Otto, I knew you were black but I didn't know that your dad was born in Africa! That's cool."
Otto Wanaduyu- " Yeah, he is."
Kenny Naylor- " Wait a minute, does that mean that he has a click in his name? ... Oh I'm so jealous of him!"
Harry Buzzerd- " Not all Africans have clicks in their names."
Otto- " Actually, his first name is Dapopo. I guess the whole click thing must be a stereotype."
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Stereotyping is when you judge a group of people who are different from you based on your own and/or others opinions and/or encounters.
Guy 1: I met this hot chik from Hawaii
Guy 2: All women from Hawaii are sluts, I met one yesterday
Guy 3: You're just stereotyping. How can you judge an entire group of people based on one person?
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A term used to define all people of a certain belief into a mostly negative category that may only reflect a selected few of the racial demographics. All people of all nationalities have been victims of being stereotyped, even those whom have made most of the stereotypes of other people.
Note: Most stereotypes are involuntarily lived out by a small segment of who they are made to offend. Here are a few examples of stereotypes.
1.) That all white women have flat booties.
2.) That all Jews are greedy.
3.) That all blacks are lazy, on welfare, and don't believe in marriage before child barring.
4.) That all Asians are good at math.
5.) That all Arabs are angry people that like to blow shit up.
6.) That ALL black men are hung like elephants.
7.) ALL white men are hung like squirrels.
8.) All blacks crave chicken and watermelon.
9.) All blacks are hostile and will quickly bust a cap in your ass.
10.) That all Mexicans like to drive around 15-17 deep in a small ass car.
11.) That all white people get angry when they cant get jobs and see others moving ahead.
12.) That all Asains like to eat rice and drive slow.
13. That all Irish people are drunks and eat potatoes.
These are just a few..however not everyone live this lifestyle and therefor should be judged on individuality instead of being grouped as a whole.
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A stereotype is used to catergorize a group of people. People don't understand that type of person, so they put them into classifications, thinking that everyone who is that needs to be like that, or anyone who acts like their classifications is one.
Stereotype for Goths are black clothes, black makeup, depressed, hated by society.
Stereotype for Punks are mohawks, spikes, chains, menace to society, always getting in trouble.
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