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a guy with a small dick.
no girth.
balls havent descended.
hung like a 6th grader.
someone who experiences erectile dysfunction.

a guy who has no game, can't get laid, doesn't know what a pussy even looks like, and is a disgrace to all things male.

Girl 1: You had sex with him?
Girl 2: .... yeah
Girl 1: So.. how was it
Girl 2: awful, he's a total stringfellow

Guy 1: Did you fuck her?
Guy 2: Nah
Guy 1: Why, cuz you dont want her to find out youre a stringfellow?

by utahiowaohio January 29, 2006

36👍 42👎


1. verb: to extrapolate the truth through means not comprehendible.

2. noun: compulsive liar in denial of his douchebag existance.

3. adjective: something that exclaims douchebaggedness. (i.e. essence of being a douchebag.)

1a. Denied MLS contract worth in excess of 7 million per year to pursue pharmacy carrer (worth approx. 100K per year)

1b. person 1: "I made my girlfriend come 468 times last night"
person 2: "That was such a stringfellow"

1c. Doucherocket: "I used to work nights at www.hotcock.com, but the hours we're bad."
Person: "i think he's serious, I don't think he's stringfellowing"
Doucherocket: "but quit at the request of his mother"
office website: www.scrstud.com - free fat chick porn

1d. I once hit a soccer ball from Marion which hit a Sprint satellite in orbit then deflected back to London and hit a school bus full of children causing them to pulmmet to their demise in a fiery, explosive catastrophy.

by 2kool4skool February 11, 2007

8👍 26👎

john stringfellow

A chubby Mexican/ Chinese/ Indian person who sucks at every sport (careful though, he will deny this fact every time it is brought up upon him). He is know horrible argumentative stratigies. He will never shut up and is always seeking to out do anyone at anything and everything.

John Stringfellow is so annoying. Why can't he leave us alone?

by Pedro Ramirez January 2, 2014

1👍 1👎

markell stringfellow

an adjective or noun having to do with supremecy, or undeniable greatness; a far superior being commonly associated with myth or legend , but is real; top tier.

Markell stringfellow is just a king

by Markell stringfellow June 3, 2014

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peter stringfellow

a name given to an extremely stringy and elasticated mass of phlegm. not as thick and stodgy as an oyster but when you hoik it out and spit it as far as the eye can see, it gives a mild feeling of completion.

wow neil, how come you can spit so far? oh, .. its because i've had a mcdonalds milkshake and now i've got peter stringfellows.

by Neil Kerry February 19, 2007

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