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Suicidal Thots

Females who would rather die than take responsibilty for their own offspring.

Damn that halfway house is full of suicidal thots. On payday I'm gonna go pick up some drugs and introduce myself of there.

by Ranchgirls November 29, 2020

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Suicide Pact Thot

Someone who makes suicide pacts with multiple people. However, most suicide pact thots are just super edgy people who act way more depressed online then they actually are irl.

Person 1: Man, life fucking sucks right now!
Person 2: Same here. Suicide pact?
Person 1: Hmm, I already have a suicide pact with 7 others. But I guess I can make one with you too if it means I get around to killing myself quicker!
Person 2: Deal! But be careful though. You’re turning into quite the suicide pact thot.

by Edgyteenager666 March 6, 2019

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