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a gloomy state of mind brought on by losing at Text Twist due to not finding a word that actually doesn't exist; namely, sulkies

Related to legatee

Arjun! Watch out! If you get ear-raped by another legatee, you're really going to have the sulkies!

by Arjun P. Tel January 23, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Word used by Irish itinerants to describe and label their horse attachment vehicle.

Would you like a ride in my sulkie

by Mup May 21, 2018


the way you act when your home has been annihilated by natural forces; or when someone mugs you; the way you end up feeling after terrorists fry people with dynamite

Damn that earthquake wrecking my house like that's got me feeling sulky!; oh man that crack-head just slit my throat and i'm feeling SULKY!

by kidsarebabygoats April 13, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sulky jerk

When loneliness and desire reach a level so great you masturbate with tears as lube.

Valentines day will surely be filled with lonely men and their sulky jerks.

by agreenssfan February 15, 2017

Sulky Mulky

One who is in an constant state of "bad mood" made apparent by a perpetual frown.

"Did you see Caitlin today? What's her problem?"
- "Oh, nothing. She is just a sulky Mulky"

by the masterful clown August 6, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sulky Si

The epitome of sulking by a moody guy who cant take banter

Normal guy "you're gay"
Sulky si *goes into a massive strop*

by banterflan April 4, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

sulky racer

top notch combine charvisters bombing down the m way horses

at 90 mph on the back of a sulky racer
with the wind In your hair
and the rains in ur hand
and the horse is in ur faaavourrrr
your the king of the road ;)

by doojy April 9, 2022