Surface rubbing can refer to:
1.) Copying somebody's music style; biting, but to a far larger extent - rather than replicating their style, like what happened to autotuning, the music sounds almost identical.
2.) Trying to replicate someone's way of life.
3.) Try to become a higher social status by replicating someone's behavior, thought to be edgy or cool.
Example for definition No. 1:
"Yo, bob! Did you see that? BigBoiDuck bit my rap style!"
"Nah, man! He just surface-rubbed you, his beat, voice, and even lyrics are nearly the same as yours."
"Shit, I need to sue him!"
Example for definition No. 2:
"Bro, I'm the only one in the universe who eats waffles upside-down."
"Not anymore. Penny Beanstock just surface-rubbed you, he eats waffles upside-down like you."
"Such a shovel."
Example for definition No. 3:
"That new guy at our carwash - Steffen Cockson - he's surface-rubbing me, don't you think?"
"Yeah, he used to be shy and now he's trying to be crazy like you! Totally surface-rubbing!"