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tara-rize ter-uh-rihyz

verb (used with object), tara-rized, taraΒ·rizing.

1. To create chaos via the use of:

a) Fake arachnids / bugs
b) Misinformation regarding broken smartphones
c) Transmission of faux dick pics


1. Tara-fied:
2. Tara-rist

Our bowling team was tararized by a tararist throughout the season via different means every week, leading to to the team members being tarafied of what was to occur next.

by Rodney Steele February 10, 2014


A third grade slutty bitch.

Mehr has acted as tarar her whole life.

by ZEEKHA September 10, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Iman tarar

When you lie about having a girl for a over a year then to cheer yourself up you have a dream about fucking gary

I did a Iman tarar

by TheoriesForYou October 20, 2019

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