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Getting screwed because you're fooled by a fake "grass roots" organization which is masquerading as populism when it's actually lining the pockets of the wealthy by further reducing their already disproportionately small tax burden, removing regulation on their financial ponzi schemes, and otherwise making their unethical greed legal.

The "mad as hell and not gonna take it crowd" are generally being teabuggered by people with 8 digit incomes who's biggest worry is how they're going to afford another yacht.

by freerangegeek September 21, 2010


A right wing operator who gets caught with his pants down while trying to do the dirty in a public official's orifice; oh, I'm sorry, office.

Them teabuggers was pretty dumb if they thought they could just walk into Senator Landrieu's office and ask to fix the phones.

by paulpaxman January 27, 2010

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