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The capitol of Iran.

What is the capitol of Iran?
Tehran is the capitol of Iran

by Tabrizi April 28, 2005

221πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž


The capital city of Iran, which is surprisingly not what you think.

Random Guy: I went to Tehran last week.

by okboomer2001 November 6, 2019

15πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


The capital and one of the largest cities of Iran.
It has about twenty districts and is primarily divided into two parts:

1. North ( Balashahr ) which is referred to the most luxurious areas where rich people live.

2. South ( Jonubshahr ) which referes to the area that is less likely to be lived by rich people.

Tehran is a beautiful city and has lots of tourist attractions.
Good food, reasonable prices and yes! EXTREMELY GORGEOUS girls as well. One of first things you'll notice in Tehran is its well-dressed and pretty girls.

I'mma visit Tehran this month. Heard it's got the most beautiful goddesses ever.

by Lyn87 March 16, 2021

3πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


typical of Tehranese patronizing attitude ,some snobbish code of annoying behavior indigenous to Tehran inhabitants where outsiders are ridiculed.

Akbar : damn,i got lotta parties to attend tonight.
Hojh : would ya cut this dumb tehranism of ya,ya aint even know what a party is like .

by Hojatkermani June 3, 2018

2πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Tehran Conference

The act of attempting to fuck a German with an American, a Russian and a Brit. Usually resulting in the Russian succeeding by going in from the right and the Brit not allowed to go through the south entrance.

β€œLet’s go fuck that bushy German” β€œfuck yeah can’t wait to properly Tehran conference them”

by CEO_of_bruh_moments May 1, 2021

10πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


sticking to some dumb and corny codes of fake behavior indigenous to Tehranese inhabitants who annoyingly patronize outsiders and people of other cities in Iran.

Jack : damn,i got plenty of chicks to bone ,aint got no time
Hoji : would ya cut this stupid Tehranism of yours,everybody is fed up already,ya aint shit ,ya just a fuckin tehranese fag

by Hojatkermani June 2, 2018

1πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A male mostly the leader of the group who knows how to handle any problem.

"We would have got arrested if Tehran hadn't talked to the policemen"

by Dr Powers November 26, 2021