(ie. trito/third-god)
A demigod that's one third god and possibly two thirds mortal.
They have one divine parent and two mortal parents or one mortal parent and one demigod parent.
A terza-god can be created when a deity creates their soul as a semi-divine being and incarnates it into a mortal couple’s unborn child.
e.g: 'Some say that Jesus was a terza-god: He had a divine father: God, as well as two mortal parents: his mortal mother, Mary & his mortal father, Joseph.'
(Notes: The word, terza is third in Italian. The word, trito comes from the Greek word for third.
Also, a demigod with a mortal & demigod parent is also a semi-demigod).
(ie. duo/double trito-god)
A demigod (ie. partial god) that's two thirds god and one third mortal, (but possibly two thirds the godliness of a typical demigod.
A dual terza-god can have both a god and demigod as a parent).
e.g: 'In the book,' City of the Plague' by Rick Riordan, the Mesopotamian demigod, Gilgamesh is a dual terza-god: He is two-thirds god and one third mortal.'
(Please read my definition of terza-god for more information).