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testicle shitting

Adj : one who takes it in the ass, or eats balls either because they are gay or a sucky individual

A prefix in testicle shitting rectal wort/testicle shitting rectal wart and testicle shitting penguin rapist
can be used in a noun as testicle shitter

Man1: "Billy is such a testicle shitting faggot"
Man2: "Your a testicle shitting ass hole, not because your gay but because your a sucky person shown by your homophobia!'

by Braybray54321 March 9, 2017

1👍 1👎

testicle shitting rectal wart

This is a nothing expression, but is from the South Park
movie. I believe Terrence or Philip called the other
one this, but it is in the first 10 minutes of the movie.

by Jay de Tejas September 14, 2003

96👍 32👎

testicle shitting penguin rapist

Adj: A testicle shitting penguin rapist is a conjunction of testicle shitting and penguin rapist
it refers to a gay man who sucks balls and does ass who rapes penguins
Noun: An insult used by creative people who need to get their messege across
it is based on the insult in south park which goes : testicle shitting (insert last part here)

man1: Barry is such a testicle shitting penguin rapist!
man2: i know right, at least ask the penguins befor you suck their dicks!
man1: Whoa it was just an insult

by Braybray54321 March 9, 2017

testicle shitting rectal wart

History of the phrase: Used in the southpark movie after the boys went to see the terrance and philip movie.


Testicle shitting - one who takes it in the ass, or eats balls either because they are gay or a sucky individual

rectal wart - A person who is so low on the intelligence meter or so annoying they only qualify as a rectal wart.

testicle shitting rectal wart - a gay person who takes it in the ass or an individual that "eats balls" who only qualifies as a rectal wart.

that testicle shitting rectal wart!! he failed me on my test

by trippmunky September 20, 2007

30👍 15👎

testicle shitting rectal wart

its a wart on some ones ass that shits testicles.

yo, thats one nasty testicle shitting rectal wart!!

by daniel divorice November 18, 2003

27👍 15👎

testicle shitting rectal wort

someone who is completely despised,and or a bitch of some sort of extreme measure

mommy there is a testicle shitting rectal wort in my window

by darth cooper February 19, 2010

2👍 2👎

testicle shitting rectal wart

rectal wart

looks like little zit

by mkjrmj May 10, 2003

5👍 28👎