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Someone who strongly dislikes sand.

Anakin doesn't like sand, because it's coarse, and rough, 'n' irritating, and it gets everywhere!

by The real Arthur Morgan August 4, 2019

184πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The chosen one. Said to bring balance to the force. Married in secret. Lost one of his arms. He brought peace freedom and security to his new empire. Tried it

Anakin let her go... let her go.

by The:_Senate March 23, 2020


A really fucking lit person who always has your back. He can seem a little cocky at times but usually he is really caring and generous. He has heard all of the Star Wars jokes in existence so don’t even bother cracking one when u meet him. Anakin has a huge dick even though it may not seem like it. But most of all, Anakin will look out for all of his friends and will do his best to please them.

John: Bro I’m so lucky to have a friend like Anakin
Brad: Ya Anakin is the best.

by AniboioK November 15, 2018

108πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Anakinned it

When someone starts becoming an evil person, behaving badly. Taken a dramatic turn for the worse in their life.
Star Wars reference: Anakin turned to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader.

"Betsy turned down a dark path in her life years ago. Stealing, smoking, doing drugs.. She totally Anakinned it."

by a. brintone October 9, 2009

66πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


He has a huge dick very very handsome and sexy gets all the girls. He is also loves sport he always has a 6 pack

And is a alpha male. The laddies wish they had a guy like him.

β€œWow that guy named Anakin is so hot!”

by Bob o September 24, 2018

19πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The process of either murdering children or Being burned alive.

1. ( Those kids got anakined)

2. (Did u see that video where Logan Paul anakined that rat)

by ragingNoNCe October 8, 2020


Anakin Skywalker. Born in Tatooine to slave mother Shmi Skywalker. It is common belief that Anakin had no father and was born through way of the force (in a kind of jesus like way) instead of illegitimacy. At an early age he showed much promise in the force. Jedi master Qui gon jinn discovered him and took him to the Jedi council where he was tested by the masters. Although he showed great potential, he also had grown strong attatchments to his mother, something that the jedi council claimed could lead to the darkside. Regarded too old to join, the council told master Qui gon jinn that they would not train the boy. Adamant that he was the one that had been prophesised to bring back balance to the force by the jedi elders, Qui Gon said he would train the boy anyway. This defiance from Qui Gon may have been something Anakin had picked up on early. After the death of master Qui Gon, Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi keeps his promise that he will train Anakin. After Obi-Wan Kenobi is made a Jedi Knight he takes Anakin under his wing. During this time Anakin became close with then Queen Padme Amidala. After ten years the two are finally re-united and Anakin confesses he has became besotted and has dreamt about the senator every night for ten years. Anakin is then assigned to protect her after a failed assassination attempt on her. During this time the two grow close and become star-crossed lovers, much like Romeo and Juliet. In defiance to the jedi way, Anakin marries Padme Amidala who later falls pregnant with his child. After having a dream preminition of Padme dying Anakin becomes worried. It is similar to the one he had of his Mother dying which later became true. This leads Anakin to joining the darkside, persuaded by the emperor who claims only a sith can learn the ability to ressurrect. Now Darth Vader, Vader accidentally murders his wife Padme by force choking her as he thinks she tried to trap him. Obi-Wan fights Anakin and Anakkin over estimates his abilities, and is outwitted by Obi-wan he strikes him down. Anakin falls into the larva of mustafa. The emperor quickly comes to his aid and svaes his life by mechanically keeping him alive. A dying Padme gives birth to his children who she names Leia and Luke. Darth Vader finally turns back to the Light side of the force as he watches the emperor almost killing his son Luke with force lightning. Anakin throws the emperor down to his death, ultimately ending the reign of the sith, fulfilling the prophecy that he would bring balance to the force. A dying Anakin persuades Luke to unmask him so he can look upon his son with his own two eyes. Anakin Skywalker finally dies a hero.

"You were the Chosen One! It was said you would bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!"
Obi-Wan opens his heart to a burning Anakin.

by Skywa1ker March 26, 2007

140πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž