n: short form of the basement
usually where a bunch of drunken teenagers gather to have a great time.
Amber: Hey you wanna chill later tonight and get shitfaced?
Amy: yeah man, I'll meet you in the base, just walk right in!
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A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang.
The opposite of cringe, some times the opposite of biased.
The latter usage is the original use as coined by rapper Lil B, and the word originally took off on the meta-ironic website 4Chan with the latter meaning. For that reason the word is largely used meta-ironically (without context you can't tell if it's being used ironically or sincerely as it's used in both ways) and was popularized in online political slang of conservatives and the political right before being adopted into mainstream online political slang (likely through shitposting websites or subreddits such as r/politicalcompass memes that are similar to 4chan in their meta-irony and "edginess" but contain a wider variety of political beliefs) and eventually adopted into general online vernacular.
When used in online political language it can mean "based in fact" or the opposite of biased due to the number of people who saw it being first used seriously by the online political right and came to the conclusion that is was related to the phrase "destroyed with facts and logic" in reference to right wing personality Ben Shapiro.
Example 1: meta-ironic
Shitposter: Posts gif of funny monkey Return to monke
Commentor: Based
Example 2: meta-ironic
4chan Anon 1: I'm going to commit hate crimes
4chan Anon 2: Based
Example 3: Politics
Leftist 1: There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
Leftist 2: Based.
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the 8 ball jacket slap is still the most based thing on the internet
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Doing base (rock cocaine)
Lucky: Have you been basing?
Angel: I haven't been doing shit!
- Poetic Justice
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baseball as a sexual metaphor
Going up to bat: Attempting
Bullpen: Foreplay
1st base: French kissing
2nd base: Above the waist
3rd base: Below the waist
Home Run: Sex
Grand Slam: Four times in twelve hours
Foul Ball: Ass sex
Strike out: Not getting it up
Line Drive: One night stand
10 Run Rule: Finishing on your own
Pop fly: Stealing virginity
Bunt: Pre-mature ejaculation
Gapper: Easy lay
Bases loaded: Threesome
Third base coach: The person who's filmming
Stealing bases: Rape (rape is bad)
Double/Triple play: Multiple Orgasms
Cup: condom
Steroids: Birth control
Error: No Orgasm
Broken Bat: Broken dick
Extra Innings: Four times in a row
Bench Warmer: Peeping Tom
Bat boy: Fluffer
Field: Heartshaped bed
Dugout: Back seat of a car
Bases: Self-Explainitory
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Is when you dont care what people think
its a way of life
Doing what you want
how u want
wearing what u want
the LV book bag looks gay on you
idc im based
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To be yourself regardless if you or your beliefs are or are not the most popular.
Steve: Man, even though Iβm getting ratioβd on twitter, and Iβm getting cancelled, I still ainβt gonna apologize to these snowflakes.
Jake: Based. Very, very based.
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