Source Code

The Splinter Cell

The art of Splinter Cell-ing involves entering a cubicle and graciously performing a dump, without touching the surrounding toilet floor or the toilet itself. This can be performed as a simple one-person challenge, or be used as a practical joke by remaining off the floor undetected until the next user of said cubicle enters and the surprise is released.

Jake: I just used the toilet, and felt a dripping on my head, I looked up to see Sam Fisher himself about to shit on my head
Steve: That's the best performance of The Splinter Cell ever!

by AnusManBoy May 10, 2011

splinter cell

An agent who has the freedom to eliminate any threat he perceives in any manner he sees fit.

Usually such agents are covered by "plausible deniability" - the agent is told what his job is, but not through the normal chain of command, so that the orders are not recorded. This way, if the agent is captured or killed, the government who sent the agent can claim that he was a rogue agent, acting without official orders or permission.

Sam Fisher is a spinter cell.

by Macavity January 23, 2004

582๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž

splinter cell

One of the few true stealth games on the market. Popular, but still underrated really. Brought us something new for a change (Spy vs Merc multiplayer) and really fun co-op (Chaos Theory).

Casual gamers love to dispute over Splinter Cell and MGS. One popular argument being "he has 3 green lights on his head how can the dumb guards not see him?!". It is widely known that that is Sam's trademark, the guards don't actually see it. A better comparison might be Splinter Cell and Thief.

by GOERNR May 16, 2006

140๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

splinter cell

The technical definition of being a splinter cell means working alone, being invisible, and using agility and wits to infiltrate enemy compounds to achieve your goals. A splinter cell also has the right to exercise the "Fifth Freedom" - vaguely described as ability to eliminate any threat as seen fit without question.

I am a splinter cell.

by Dave Hill October 22, 2003

224๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

splinter cell

One of the best stealthy video games around.

Sam Fisher kicks ass.

by cartman5000 August 9, 2004

282๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

splinter cell

the only game that uses more night vision than paris hillton.

splinter cell uses alot of night vision. paris hilton likes to make sex tapes. with night vision.

by placebox December 4, 2007

80๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

splinter cell

Another term for a splinter cell is a type of cell (aka : militia-type group) that is seperated into an, often secret, location.

Splinter Cell is the name of a kickass game from Tom Clancy (even though there is a claim that he had no relation whatsoever to its development), brought to us by Ubisoft. Sam Fisher is a splinter cell, working overseas by himself, but equipped with technology that lets his buddies in the US government pinpoint his every location and every doing.

"Being monitored 24-7 sounds like hell actually."

by Dave March 26, 2004

73๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž