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The Trifecta

It's a group of three friends who always crash parties when only one of them is invited to it. When they hang out together they just play pool or N64, even if it's for hours at a time. They constantly refer to inside jokes in front of everyone and just laugh because they don't care. They sneak out to go to girl's houses, even if they stay they for only 10 minutes. Everyone knows a group of people like this because they brag about it all the time.

Mom: Everyone sign the birthday girl's card!
Girl: Holy shit, the Trifecta signed this in three different colors. They weren't even invited.

by Jim McPherson March 26, 2012

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The Trifecta

When one takes a shit, pisses, and has an orgasm all while on the toilet.

Dude, my boss totally caught me trying to hit The Trifecta at work today.

I saw someone hitting the Trifecta at Chili's today.

by Legalize The Trifecta July 30, 2017

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The Trifecta

The rare time that you shit yourself, cum and throw up everywhere simultaneously. Not regularly seen but usually occurs because of a large orgasm that causes you to shit yourself and out of such disgust for yourself you start throwing up.

Mate I hit the trifecta last night Iโ€™m at all time low

by EC123 May 24, 2019

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The Trifecta

The feeling you get when you are drunk, stoned and smoking a cigarette. It is a combination of the three most common recreational drugs.

Bro 1: Yo dude, I am so drunk and this bowl is gonna be perfect!

Bro 2: I know dude, and I got some cigarettes so we can hit the trifecta

by Deadhead Don November 3, 2011

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The Trifecta

When you burp, fart and shit your pants at the same time.

Dude, I just hit the trifecta so I am going to change my underwear.

by Cali Connection April 8, 2009

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The Trifecta

A group of three people that are the head of a friend group. These three people are usually the funniest of the group. A trifecta always has each others back, and the friend groups.

Person 1-"These guys want to fight, just wait until the trifecta shows up,then the squad fights"


Person 1-"The trifecta runs this shit"

by asdfghj123 August 28, 2014

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The Trifecta

While taking a daily sampling of your b.o., you decide to complete The Trifecta.

A:"Ey man, watchu doin'"
B:"That's that nasty-ass 'the trifecta' he's always warning us about"

C:"Eh, I figured I didn't need to stop at the armpits this time, and swung my finger down by my taint and up through my asscrack for some serious gourmet odor."

by HyperSniper November 28, 2020

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