the end event is the final fortnite chapter 1 event. the rocket launched, then opened a rift in the sky (after setting up rift zones over the season for the other 6 people to enter this world. we only know of the visitor, the scientist, and the paradigm) which opened the existing rifts, allowing the others to get through. they spent some time trying to get in a line to rift behind the meteor. they open a rift on front of the meteor, and eventually the meteor starts moving again, going into the rift and being teleported to the top of loot lake (where the orb and zero point are happening) one of the seven come down from the rift above loot lake, and entering the orb. the meteor follows shortly after, being guided by the other 6. it goes into the orb, causing it to explode. then we watch a black hole for 2 days lol. some part of this event could be seen from the lobby of you didnt make it to the event.
person 1: did you see the event? it was amazing!
person 2: oh, the end event? no. i didnt make it into a game so i just turned off my xbox and watched a live stream on my phone.
person 1: oh that sucks. well i mean, you technically did see the event so...
person 2: well yes but actually no.
person 1: you could see part of the event from the lobby.
person 2 WHAT