Source Code

time to duel

A phrase used by a true Yu-Gi-Oh Player to challange another Yu-Gi-Oh Player to a friendly duel

Derek "Matt it's time to duel!"
Matt "I accept your Challange, my CC-Deck will crush you"
Derek "Bring it, I will Defeat you with the might of my powerful Blue-Eyes White Dragon card"
Matt "Originality is over rated these days"

by DerekBEWD July 13, 2006

12👍 5👎

Its time to duel!

A phrase said at the begining of most children's card games.

Yelled by some kid with a sick fro at the begining of the show Yu-gi-oh.

Duelist 1: you're just talk.
Duelist 2: lets solve this with a childrens card game!
Duelist 1&2: its time to duel!

Its time to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

by Revoc January 27, 2011

36👍 11👎