Verb - To be very cool and epic with your gamers. You be very epic which is 'salady' which is epic. It also could mean to be good at Minecraft or other popular videogames.
Jim: "Hey dude it's Jim just salading around"
Berthalamu: "How can you be plants"
Jim: "Its a new hip word 'to salad' which means to be cool"
Berthalamu: "That's kinda confusing, but I guess I'm just salading around too"
Jim: "No you're not"
A phrase I use to repeat when my calico cat, Salad, does something out of the ordinary such as not coming back home for 8 days.
Salad is a salad....Salad is a salad.
(n) A game where you take object like a crushed pop can or a hacky sack, and you kick the object through the legs of another participant. The other players then yell "Salade" (pronounced "sal-lad" ) and kick the person until they reach "home" which can be a tree or a door or a wall, etc.
(Originally an East Toronto game from the mid 1980's, which is still played today. Usually is banned by the school after a student breaks their arm, leg, gets a collapsed lung, etc.)
I'm bored, find a can, let's play Salade!
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Yob, in the south we call people salads who are young and partake in criminal activity
Did you hear about that Mikey who got caught stealing a car?
Yes, what a little salad he is
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The act of getting salad
To go prepare a salad
To have a fun salad adventure
Evelyn and Ella love salad so much, they made salading a daily thing at the cafeteria.
"Hey Ella! I'm so hungry! Lettuce go salading!" Said Evelyn.
"Oh my green gosh! Totally! I want some salad so bad right now!" Ella exclaimed.
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A fun fast paced rock band based in canada
the salads wrote that song "today is your lucky day" and several other fun lighthearted songs
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(n) A game played during recess invented by children in a Markham, Ontario Canada elementary school in the late 1980's.
An old soda pop can is kicked amongst the participants. If it goes between your legs, the other children are free to kick and beat on you until you run to a designated "safe" spot.
Here's and old can! Let's play some salade!
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