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A step up from "tomboy". A replica of purity.

"Tomboy" basically means "copy-boy". As-in, a girl or woman copying boy behavior or style.

But my new definition for this new word, "tompure", which is a full step up from "tomboy", who are a little bit above it...

"Tompure" = Replicates purity.

...so what does it look like seeing a girl or woman appearing pure?

It is our origins. Hunter-gatherer tribes, like the "!Kung Bushmen". An African tribe. Their women don't wear makeup, no nail polish, no leg-shaving, and no body surgeries. A gender equal-tribe, if I may say (and short hair as well).

Another gender-equal tribe, but a village one. The Lahu. From Southwest China. The two genders dress exactly the same (a visual representation of equality).

No tainting the body, nor their personality. Just the way they were built, from birth.

And THAT is purity.

...and one more thing I want to add. Short hair is part of the purity. Not having to groom it all the time, and no need for a hair dresser. Just use hair clippers every once in a while, and you're set.

Because practical is pure.

And using your money for better things.

"WOW, look at the tompure... she doesn't taint her body with any nonsense. Dresses and behaves naturally and pure. What a hero she is. Brave enough to show purity and not succumbing to the ads or peer-pressure. Just accepting herself for just the way she is. What a hero."

by NeoTPolaris August 19, 2023