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used to describe something, usually food, books and other objects, that are a) uneducational b) unfit for a persons spiritual consumption c) unfit for a persons political, social or moral well being

a boy comes home from school with a bunch of books he picked up at a yard sale and his father looks them over thens says:
how dare you bring such treife books into this house, all youve gotten is a biographjy of karl marx, the communist manifesto by trotsky and a nancy drew mystery story...what rubbish...go and read something more educational, like your high school math and chemistry books...

by Sexydimma December 4, 2011

53👍 32👎


Not kosher. Plain and simple. Doesn't mean anything else. This can mean literally not kosher, as in not adhering to Jewish dietary laws, or not kosher in the more metaphorical sense, as in not legitimate. The latter usage definitely falls into the category of slang.

Sometimes spelled 'treyf'. It's a transliteration from Yiddish.

Literal: Pork fried rice is treif.
Metaphorical: Mike's urine test was treif. He use'd Bill's piss because he was tokin' last Tuesday and didn't want it to show up.

by Yakityak February 6, 2007

98👍 13👎

a treif-jew

this is an amalgamation of the terms a treife and a jew. It's a term of derision or insult, usually used by jews against other jews, to define 1) a jew who behaves and acts like a goy or 2) a jew who has converted out of judaism into another monotheistic religion.

two jews meet on the street and one of them is eating a Black Forest ham and cheese sandwich.

jew a) how dare you eat this junk, you a treif-jew, you are disgrace to judaism.
jew b) thanks for reminding me, but please just stuff it and be on your way.

by Sexydimma December 1, 2011