Source Code


Duplicate but for 3s

Oh dang! I got a duplicate, one more and Iā€™d have triplicates!

by Rule 234 September 19, 2020


to have 3 breasts

That chick is in team triplicity

by markus blanco the 3rd June 9, 2009

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An identical copy of something duplicative.

Three copies of Fred's book is downright triplicative

by Hazy Davy November 14, 2020


To multiply by 3. Whereas Duplicate consists of two, Triplicate consists of 3.

I triplicated my resume and gave one to Joe and Bob.

by GCIKID1 June 25, 2011

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Duplicating a request, and then duplicating it again. May be intentional or unintentional. Often times, the result of someone not being able to do their job or not being able to communicate with other members on their team.

First used by the Powerhorse himself on 2/7/08.

Team Member #1: Oh, here's deviation 123!
Team Member #2: Sent it over to OST!
Team Member #1: Ok! Now I don't have to do my job.

(five minutes pass)

Team Member #3: Oh, here's deviation 123!
Team Member #4: Sent it over to OST!
Team Member #3: Ok! Now I don't have to do my job.

(five minutes pass)

Team Member #5: Oh, here's deviation 123!
Team Member #6: Sent it over to OST!
Team Member #5: Ok! Now I don't have to do my job.

OST: What idiots! Jerks keep re-sending stuff. Freakin triplication.

by Powerhorse Jr. February 7, 2008

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Triplicity Bitches

The sluttiest fucking cunt whores in the whole school.

Did you see the triplicity bitches?

Yeah, flashback to the aquarium last week

by The Shit 3334 February 25, 2011

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Triplicity Bitches

A group of girls that think they're super hot when really absolutly no one likes them or their constantly changing hair color.

No one has respect for them and everyone hates them...They just do not see it because they're blinded by their own over-confidence.

Guy one: hey have you seen those Triplicity Bitches?
Guy two: naw I dont need to...I can smell them from here.
girll one: yeah I know;everyone can.

by hotstuff35542 April 2, 2011

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