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A True Man, that people hate cuz the aint him.

Damn, noone spits the truth like Trueman.

by Topless.Trueman January 4, 2010

14👍 4👎


To let your bestfriend have a girl cause you know that he really needs a woman in his life to help him through what he is going through

Dude danny is a trueman for letting me take her out even though he likes her

by ecyoj ronnoc July 18, 2008

8👍 3👎


Used primarily in southern Maryland, trueman, when used as a noun, is slang for "gypsy." It is also used as an exclamation when a toad is found near one's mailbox.

Example 1, slang for gypsy: "I went to see a fortune-telling trueman to find out if Kristin is in love with me. I think the trueman put a hex on me instead. I should have tipped her."

Example 2, as an exclamation: "Trueman! Ugh, toads are so gross."

by misella landica February 4, 2010

3👍 7👎


An imperial unit of measure

That length of wood is 3 trueman’s long

by Forgemaster16 July 5, 2022