Trumpmog (verb): 1. To nickname an opponent beratingly, as in "Low Energy Jeb" or "Crooked Hillary" or "Beauty and the Cheeks" or "Lying Robert Carreon" or "Kidnappin' Agent Smith".
An example of what happens when gaslighter torturer extractor (GTE) from SD, CA trumpmogs a US Probation Officer:
12:33 PM (6 hours ago)
to me
If you continue to address me offensively as Lying Robert Carreon, I will have no choice but to abandon the supervision process and determine your line of communication as refusal to comply. I will not continue under your offensive, uncivil, counterproductive tone. You are duly advised. "
- perjurer & kidnapper US Probation officer Robert Carreon
Robert Carreon has already arrested me on 4 false charges from 1-15-2019 to 5-13-2019.
What should I say to lyin' Robert Carreon?
- Rob