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A Sanskrit word used to refer to a practice in Tibetan Buddhism, in which the practitioner creates a sentient being through the power of thought. 'Thoughtform' is a rough English equivalent. Has experienced a revival of sorts in recent years, originally centered around 4chan's paranormal board (/x/), before shifting to the My Little Pony board (/mlp/), and later various independent websites (primarily tulpa.info).

I can't think of a good way to use tulpa in a sentence.

by CaptFlushing August 2, 2012

498👍 76👎


To really define what a tulpa is, you need to define what a human is and what it means to be conscious as well as exist. However, defining those things are impossible without your own subjective thoughts on the matter. You might believe you're conscious, but someone else could disagree and you couldn't say anything about it due to not having any solid evidence of your consciousness.

So, for the purpose of defining a tulpa, we'll define what it means to exist, be conscious, and have a sense of self as all the same thing; the combination of your memories, experiences, opinions, and feelings. All these things are also what make up your mind, which is essentially the software that runs on the hardware of your brain.

With the difference between mind and brain in place, defining tulpas is easy. A tulpa is an entity that exists inside a human's brain, has their own sense of self, and is believed to have a conscious which is separate from the main human (or host). The tulpa and host are two different minds living inside the brain they inhabit. Basically brain roommates.

Tulpas have their own opinions, feelings, and thoughts. They're just using the brain to process information (just like their host is). It's also possible for multiple tulpas to exist within one brain.

"Alright, I'm gonna need you and your tulpa's opinion on this piece..."

by nonexistentialist December 5, 2019

65👍 19👎


Brony term for imaginary friend.

"I whip out my dick and put it in her vagoo for my Applejack tulpa!"

by Jacal July 18, 2012

183👍 515👎


A vein on the penis that has become enlarged and/or darkened so that it has become obvious and unnatural.

That cock ring was way too small, every vein on my dick was a full-on tulpa.

by Master McMaster July 10, 2011

55👍 460👎


A plural of tulpa created by the tulpamancy community because the Tibetan word "tulpa" has no plural in Tibetan.

(Please note that Tulpæ, Tulpa, and Tulpas are also acceptable as plurals)

I have many tulpae.

by SuspectPotato January 13, 2015

15👍 2👎


Schizo term adults use to describe their imaginary friends and a way to justify avoiding psychiatric hospital. Mostly on 4chan and Reddit which isn't suprising

"Hey man I've had a disagreement with my Tulpa today I don't know how to get to him"
"Bro, you are literally making up people in your head take the goddamn schizo pills like i told you to before"

by Smol 🥔 May 30, 2023

12👍 16👎