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n. a person who has not yet had their first kiss although they have been given many opportunities. This person will not get laid until he is around 45 years old. This is because his extremely tiny penis and that he is unsure of his sexuality.

v. To avoid girls because of your small penis.

Dude Greg hasn't gotten laid yet, he's behaving like such a Tummus.

Look at the way Miller Tummuses because his small penis.

by Heyitsmeyourfavorite January 23, 2014

5👍 7👎

Friend of Tummus

Someone who is so far in the closet, they're having adventures in Narnia.

Tom Cruise is such a closet case, he's a friend of tummus.

by thebergie February 25, 2010

4👍 1👎

Rub tummus

To turn your dog over and affectionately rub their tummy, just like you would Rob Thomas

Pickles… do you want a rub tummus

by Louise Isabella August 10, 2022