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oo-ss ( 'oo' not said as in g'oo'se but a bit gutsy if you know what i mean)
Basically meaning a close friend, brother or anyone you like really predominantly used by Samoans

Guy to other Guy: Wassup uce

by PolyPrincess May 26, 2016

254πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


The slang term for a Somoan person. litteraly meens brother

Wat up Uce?! (Like saying wat up brotha)if your black

by John Coker September 23, 2005

1005πŸ‘ 305πŸ‘Ž


"Uce" Is like "bro" in English, It Is Simply To Define Your Friend That You Have Very Close Relations To.

Samoan A: "Hello my Uce!"
Samoan B:"Hello To You Too my Uce!"

by BonkManUAKZ October 17, 2022

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Midwest slang for big partier that thinks they're cool and dresses in all poor kids prep (e.g. aeropostale, abercrombie, hollister) in an attempt to disguise how sleazy of a person they are.

Pronounced 'yΓΌs'

John: Did you see that douche in ripped up pants and hco sweater at that south-county basement party?
Ryan: Yea, he was in some room with a box fan tryn to look hard while he was sleazin all over some drunk orange ho. You know him?
John: Yea, his name is Todd. Thinks he's a rebel. I Wonder what kind of stunna shades he's got.
Ryan: Biggest uce in the game.

by Skuhlteplayalisticadillacmuzik October 26, 2010

35πŸ‘ 178πŸ‘Ž


A term the Wwe Samoan Superstars Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso use. It is use as part of their last name. It means like what’s up or referring to a person.

Dom: Ay you scared
Jimmy: Ay Uce you think I’m scared, huh.

by yahajbahe April 14, 2023

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Stands for "uncut", referring to an uncircumcised penis. Usually used in hook-up culture.

"My date for tonight wanted to know if I am UC."

"I'm only looking for a hook up who is UC."

by jacuzzicat November 18, 2020

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Your name is lucy and you are trying that tiktok challenge. You are addicted to tiktok and a psycho crazy girl.

Damn that lucy is addicted to tiktok.
Yeh just search up UC on urban dictionary

by funnynottheh June 7, 2020

243πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž