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Unassigned Assigned Seat

A seat in class (most often a college class) that you normally sit in all the time; so much so that it practically belongs to you. More often than not, the majority (or even the entirety) of the class has one because they pretty much always sit in the same seating arrangement every class. However, if the seats are not officially assigned in class by the professor/teacher, someone else could sit in your unassigned assigned seat either without knowing that you normally sit there (perhaps they're new to class or just never noticed), or in rarer cases deliberately, causing you to have to find another seat with discomfort and awkwardness. You feel that you HAVE to sit there every time because that seat is yours.

Someone sat in my Unassigned Assigned Seat in class today, even though they knew I always sit there. I felt so stupid when I had to find another seat to sit in.

by TheFiend138 October 18, 2016

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