The opposite of credulous, but without implying blind disregard as the word "incredulous" does.
Meaning the same as incredulous, but without implying that an individual or group is blindly refusing, denying or unwilling to contemplate,process, or accept new information or ideas.
A disbelief based on reasoned facts, and not blind disbelief.
Reasoned disbelief based on physical facts
Willing to admit error, but only when physical reproducible facts are provided.
Ex1: Tim uncredulously enjoyed the magic show because he knew every trick!
(Tim already knew the tricks so he disbelieved the "magic" with reason)
Ex2: The the doctors uncredulity was proven to his patient the second the homeopathic medicine was unable to produce results.
(the medicine was already scientifically disproved and when used on a patient it didn't function as claimed by homeopaths proving the uncredulous nature of the doctor. Since he already knew through scientific research.)
Ex3 The General was briefed that there could be bunkers that should be bombed. The Generals uncredulous decision to not bomb where supposed bunkers were was based on the lack information regarding enemy bunker location.
(The general disbelieved because there was a lack of facts)