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Not an appropriate time

Did you arrive at the restaurant when it was untime?

by raknahs August 13, 2020

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Referring to an event that is unexpected, unforseen, or happens at an inopportune moment.

Bob's dead? No way! We were supposed to swing with he and his wife this weekend. How untimely.

by O.P.A. October 14, 2007

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Disrespectful of time (people's time, time in general)

She is s always late; she better stop being untimely when she starts her new job.

by Beshax October 14, 2007

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Untimed down

When your alarm wakes you up and instead of hitting the snooze button you turn the alarm off either on purpose or accident.

I slept through Chemistry this morning. Decided to take an untimed down.

by TheBaus50 January 31, 2014

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untimely visitor

when a guy gets a really obvious boner, tries to play it off, but everyone knows anyways

The other day i saw a bunch of girls staring at me and giggling. Hey I figured it must be good. But when they started pointing at my crotch. Damn I knew it was an untimely visitor.

by Clare..and of course..eric too. May 20, 2004

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Untimely Blowout

The situation that a guy finds himself in during anal sex where the girl farts with such force that it forces his dick out of her hole. In extreme cases this will result in the need for an immediate shower.

Stan: Well, I finally got Wilma to let me fuck her up the ass.

Mitch: How was it?

Stan: It was great until we had an untimely blowout, and boy was it messy.

by patsguy June 6, 2011

untim redd


Me: Untim redd = Un-Tim reddit
A lot of people: *Confused*

by Whyam_Ihere June 11, 2021