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A derogatory term for any Long Island location west of the Hamptons.

Do we really have to go up-island today? I'd much prefer to sit at my beach house, sip mimosas and order my immigrant day-laborers around.

by F**k the Hamptons October 9, 2009

8👍 8👎


A slang term for the west end of Long Island, mainly anything west of the Hamptons but more or less Nassau and West Suffolk Counties. It comes from the fact that the hamptons are about as far down into NY as you can go, therefore you go "Down to the Hamptons" and "Up to the city"

Not to be confused with a "UTI", a derogatory version of the colloquialism as in "Oh shit a bunch of UTI's just got off the Hampton Jitney wearing salmon shorts and powder blue golf tee's"

"I won tickets to the Nets game at the Sloppy Tuna last night, so I'm headed up-island"

by 27surf June 19, 2014

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